The generic name Ahaetulla has been derived from its Sinhala name"ahatulla".
Ahe refers to eyes and ugulla to pick out . The name means eyes pick out. The vernacular name refers to the perceived habit of this snake that is striking at the eyes.
The common green vine snake's body is slender, slightly compressed. The head is elongated with a prominent appendage. There is a distinct neck. The tail is cylindrical, tapering and long. The largest could grow up to 2000mm in leght. The common color of the dorsla aspect is bright green. Ventrally the color is a mixture of light yellow and green. The green vine snake is a diurnal arboreal snake. They are ususally found on low vegetation. often near streams and other water sources. It may also be encountered on hedges. They feed on endemic lizards, geckos, birds and frogs.
The green vine snake is viviparous and may produce from 4 to 20 young. The green vine snake exhibit an impressive threat posture by arching its neck at the same time it opens its mouth widely presenting a menacing appearance. Ahatulla nasuta is a back-fanged ( ophisthoglyphous) mildy venomous snake. It is widely distributed from sea level up to 1000 meters.
There is a popular belief that magic oil can be brewed from it. Also they pluck out humen eyes. There are instances when it has attacked on the face or on the nose.
The green vine snake could be identified easily by unique green and little snake and it is one of the most beautiful snakes in the world.