The Wolf Snake (Lycodon Aulicus Aulicus)

Sinhala: Alu radanakaya
The head is pear-shaped and flat in the wolf snake. The neck is distinct while the body is cylindrical. The tail is short , round and it tapers.
The wolf snakes could grow up to 850mm. Its scales are smooth and shiny. The common color where the dorsal aspect of th fore body is dark or light brown. there is a series of about 20 white or cream crossbars. the ventral aspect is pearly white.

The snake is a terrestrial nocturnal snake. This is a common non-venomous snake that is often encountered inside houses in the night. Thus it is called a house snake. It is a widely distributed snake in the up about 700 meters above sea level.

The wolf snake voraciously feeds on geckos. The female lays about 5 to 15 eggs. This is one of the most vicious snakes. Except for an occasional one, all of them bite brutishly. When disturbed this snake hides its head underneath the coils of its body. Lycodon aulicus is a non-venomous snae. Many consider it to be a venomous krait.


It is glistening and smooth scales, which are brown or black.
The flat pear shape head.