The saw scale iper is the smallest of the six species of vipers known in Sri lanka. Its average length is 200mm.
The snake is mainly confined to the arid costal areas in the north of the country. It prefers a hot, humid, sandy habitat. its ground color is a mixture of sandy and brown, with series of patches. The head bears a distinct cross like a light gray mark. It feeds on frogs and lizards. It is a noctural terrestrial snake. It is a viviparous snake and produces 3 - 5 young in a brood. Its venom is used in mdicine and in science. It is a highly venomous snake. Envenoming due to saw scale viper bite result in bleeding tendencies. The polyvalent antivenom serum is effective against its bite.
This is one of the most temperamental snakes in the country. When disturbed it formed its body into loops, which it rubs against the other loops thus producing a peculiar shrill noise. Only this snake can produce a sound in this fashion in Sri lanka.
The saw scale viper could be identified from the distinct cross like mark on the dorsal side of the head.